In modern conditions, when radical changes occur in the life of society, one of the central directions in working with children is patriotic education. Especially valuable in the formation of patriotic feelings are the stories about places of military glory, excursions to the monuments of heroes.
On May 8, pupils of the branch MBOU SOSH of Krasnoyarsk, kindergarten No. 52 “Aistenok”, conducted an excursion to the monument - the obelisk.
The children saw, heard, learned, remembered a part, a small part of what was created by a grateful people in memory of their countrymen.
It is the young generation that still has to make many discoveries, more than once admire the courage and perseverance of the heroes, experience a sense of pride in our people, and bow down before the gray hair of the Great Patriotic War veterans.
Pupils laid flowers to the obelisk. These flowers are a sign of our memory and deepest gratitude to those who defended our Homeland in battle and died for it.